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The Ai Weiwei Project

The Ai Weiwei Project The Ai Weiwei Project The Ai Weiwei Project The Ai Weiwei Project The Ai Weiwei Project The Ai Weiwei Project
My project intends to inform individuals, particularly Chinese individuals, who never had the opportunity to learn about the artist due to heavy censorship surrounding Ai Weiwei and his artwork. Ai Weiwei is perhaps the most prolific, and probably controversial, artist in the Chinese contemporary art scene. Weiwei is known for openly criticizing the Chinese government for its social injustices and human rights violations. Having grown up in China, it’s unfathomable that Weiwei was ever brave enough to speak out against such a powerful government and its institutions. In light of my own circumstances, I respect Weiwei and resonate with his intentions and passions in his work. Weiwei’s calculated disregard for authority regarding the consequences of his art is a never-before-seen phenomenon in Communist China. I hope that I can inspire his fellow countrymen and people who have experienced oppression to engage themselves in work like his.






