Peter Ahlberg
Principal, AHL&CO
Gail Anderson
Director, Visual Arts Press; designer, writer
Galina Arnaut
Interaction Designer
Robert Babboni
Eric Baker
Principal, Eric Baker Design Associates, Inc.
Bryan Burton Barnes
Associative creative director/art director
Alexei Belstrone
Creative Director, Havas NY
Anne Benkovitz
Owner, product designer, Design Magic NY; senior art director, Scholastic Inc.
Robert Best
Principal, Best & Co.; design director, Condé Nast Traveler
Benjamin Bliss
Creative, Wieden+Kennedy NYC
Maria Bonello
UX Designer
Brian Bowman
Designer, animator
Scott Buschkuhl
Principal, Hinterland
Kevin Cadena
Production associate, Canopy Canopy Canopy
Andrea A. Campos-Trabucco
Creative Director, DesignStudio NY
Santiago Carrasquilla
Partner, Art Camp
Andrew Castrucci
Jonas Christiansen
Production Designer, Facebook
Heiyoon (Sally) Chung
Senior experience designer, BCG Digital Ventures
Justin Colt
Co-founder, The Collected Works
Young Sun Compton
Production Designer, The Museum of Modern Art
Tyler Comrie
Graphic designer
Henrietta Condak
Art director; designer; principal, Condak Design
Samuel Crumpton
Greg D'onofrio
Designer, educator; co-founder, Kind Company and Display, Graphic Design Collection.
Andrei Dan
Art director
Kenneth Deegan
Associate partner, Pentagram Design
Pablo Delcan
Principal, Delcan & Company Studio LLC
Philip Dibello
Co-founder, No Ideas
Jenna Doctoroff
Product designer, Healthify
Debra Drodvillo
Graphic designer
Lyanne Dubon
Associate creative director, Etsy
Carol Fabricatore
Painter, illustrator
Bryan Farevaag
Interactive and print designer, Digital Development Department, Random House, Inc.
Aron Fay
Principal, FAY
Louise Fili
President, Louise Fili Ltd.
Tina Fong
Computer graphic artist, guild certified feldenkrais teacher
Stephen Fox
Alicia Fox-Wirt
Graphic designer, visual artist
Yifan Frances
Design lead, IDEO.org
David C. Frankel
Founder, Virgo
Stephen Gaffney
Fine artist, muralist, designer
Adam Gault
Creative director, partner, Block & Tackle
Tom Geismar
Partner, Chermayeff & Geismar
Celia Gerard
Fine artist
Cris Gianakos
Sculptor, designer
Bob Giraldi
Chair, MPS Live Action Short Film Department, School of Visual Arts; president, film director, GIRALDI MEDIA; principal, partner, Rated Content…
Jason Goldshteyn
Courtney Gooch
Independent designer
Ben Grandgenett
Deputy art director, The New York Times Magazine
Sungkwon Ha
Senior art director 360i
Geoffrey Halber
Co-founder, Everything Type Company
Brankica Harvey
Associate partner, Pentagram Design
Shawn Hasto
Art director, Bloomberg Businessweek
Sagi Haviv
Partner, principal designer, Chermayeff & Geismar
August Heffner
Vice president creative, Casper Sleep, Inc.
Andrew Herzog
Partner, School
Jason Heuer
Principal, Jason Heuer Design
Peter Hristoff
Fine artist
Yuezhou (Sally) Hu
Livia Miyadara Ito
Natasha Jen
Partner, Pentagram
Hwayoung (Steve) Jung
Product designer, Samsung Next
Dirk Kammerzell
Principal, creative director, QuantumLeap Creative; creative director, Vivaldi Partners, Fifth Season. Formerly, creative consultant, Arnell…
Andrew Kim
Copywriter, Wieden+Kennedy
Ori Kleiner
Broadcast designer, CBS News
Ros Knopov
Principle, ANTIANTI
Hong Ko
International design director, I&CO
Viktor Koen
Illustrator, designer
Graydon Kolk
Art director, designer, illustrator; Art Supervisor, Ogilvy
James Kuczynski
Sr. Creative Directo, VaynerMedia
Denise Labelle
Designer, production specialist, National Football League. Formerly, Chiat/Day, Young & Rubicam, Grey Worldwide, Saatchi & Saatchi
Lea Ladera
Creative director
Hon Kit Lam
Faculty for website
Faculty for website
Motion graphics designer
Screen reader support enabled.
Erin LeForce
Lead designer, Work & Company
Adrienne Leban
Designer; painter; writer; founder, creative director, The Lifework Studio, Inc.
Laina Leckie
Designer, consultant. Formerly, vice president, computer graphic art, prepress operations, Challenge Printing Company
Greg Lee
Senior designer, LinkedIn
Min Hee Lee
Graphic designer, art director
Rhonda Levy
Graphic designer
Enle Li
Designer, animator
Nichola Lim
Hoshi Ludwig
Associate creative director, R/GA
Sakura Maku
Visual artist
Jay Marsen
Creative Director, Havas NY
Jaclyn McKay
Visual designer, Dots
Richard Mehl
Designer, photographer, writer
Julia Melograna
Art director
Pedro Mendes
Associate partner, designer, Pentagram
Katya (Yekatrina) Mezhibovskaya
Designer, UX Researcher, Design History Professor
Olga Mezhibovskaya
Graphic designer, interdisciplinary artist
Debbie Millman
Chair, MPS Branding Department, School of Visual Arts; chief marketing officer, Sterling Brands; editorial and creative director, Print; radio…
Tyler Mintz
Designer; principal, David White Pond
Saad Moosajee
Designer, animator
Nathan Moser
Visual designer, design director
Alexander Nassour
Art director
Michel Negroponte
Filmmaker, producer
Jon Newman
Director, designer
Joe Newton
Art director; illustrator; partner, Anderson Newton Design
Kevin T. O'Callaghan
Chair, 3D design program, BFA Advertising and Graphic Design Department, School of Visual Arts; president, Luna Ladder Inc.
Jungho (Michael) Oh
Art and design director
Mika Owens
Designer, Chermayeff & Geismar & Haviv
Hye Sung Park
Visual development artist, Blue Sky Studios; director
John Parks
Maryam Parwana
Motion design director on-air, AMC Networks
Jenna Passmore
Experience design director, R/GA
Richard Pels
Writer, creative director
Gene (Eugene) Perelson
Creative director, experience design, data science and visualization, R/GA
Stefanie Pitaro
Neil Raphan
Partner, creative director, Inside-Job; creative consultant
Nada Ray
Owner, Nada Ray Media; filmmaker; producer; journalist
Margaret Reddan
Visual artist
Colleen Redmond
Design lead, Studio Rodrigo
Douglas Riccardi
President, Memo Productions
Abby Robinson
Photographer, writer
Roswitha Rodrigues
Co-founder, creative director, Magical Monkey
Ignacio Rodriguez
Vice president, Rodriguez Valle Creative; graphic designer; multimedia artist
Jamie Rome
Associate creative director, Grey Group
John Ruggeri
Chris Rypkema
Graphic designer
Hafeez M. Saheed
Vice president, head of production, Nickelodeon Creative Advertising
Paul Sahre
Graphic designer
Michael Sainato
Anthony Scerri
Design director, Momentum Worldwide
Paula Scher
Graphic designer, partner, Pentagram Design. Formerly, co-founder, Koppel & Scher; art director, Atlantic; art director, CBS Records
Spencer Schimel
Lead designer, RocketVisor
Eileen Hedy Schultz
President and creative director, Design International; graphic designer; illustrator; photographer; type designer; interior and fashion desi…
Paul Shaw
Design historian, type designer, calligrapher, graphic designer
Tal Shub
Associate Creative Director. R/GA
Gregory Siegal
Experience designer
Julia Siemon
Director, designer, animator
Rory Simms
Associate partner, Pentagram
Travis Simon
Sign painter, typographer and owner of Brush & Leaf Inc.
Leslie Singer
Owner, Singer Salt
Richard Smith
Design director, R/GA
Matthew Smith-Lane
VFX artist
Gerald Mark Soto
Broadcast designer; founder, Salvame
Alli Truch
Creative partner, BIGGS&CO
Vinny Tulley
Creative director, DeVito/Verdi. Formerly, Euro RSCG, Waring & LaRosa, Young & Rubicam
Melike Turgut
Senior designer, Squarespace
Adam S. Wahler
Vice president of production, A to A Graphic Services, Inc.
Alanna Watson
Copywriter, BBH New York
Diksha Watwani
Art director; designer; animator, Small Victories LLC
Barron Webster
Designer, Google Creative Lab
Joshua Williams
Associate Creative Director, R/GA
Steve Winchell
Designer, R/GA New York
Willy Wong
Chief creative officer, NYC & Company
Tomoko (Kuwahara) Yates
Design lead, Work & Co
Frank Young
Art director, designer, painter
Jungin Yun
Senior art director, Viacom
Carolyn Zhang
Digital designer
Anthony Zukofsky