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Sum Poster

Sum Poster Sum Poster Sum Poster Sum Poster Sum Poster Sum Poster
Sum is an infographic poster based on the essay, Sum by David Eagleman. After reading the essay, I wanted to express the feeling of depression; more specifically the notion that the pain, (whether emotional or physical), is relentless, contstant, and intense. This essay points out the number of hours in your life that you spend in these various states of uncomfort. Looking at the hours and minutes in their entirety can be overwhelming. The claustrophopic feeling achieved by by having a lack of white space on the canvas, emphasize this feeling of being overwhelmed. The first poster is made entirely on the computer. In this version it is possible to read the essay in it’s entirety, and the poster is more controlled. Later versions were silkscreened using very thin paint to lose the sense of control the computer gave. Having the paint bleed through the letters and out of the frame give it a much more natural and chaotic feeling.






