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Eco-Hog: Help is on the Way!

Eco-Hog: Help is on the Way! Eco-Hog: Help is on the Way! Eco-Hog: Help is on the Way! Eco-Hog: Help is on the Way! Eco-Hog: Help is on the Way!
Part of the “Help is on the Way” exhibition that showcases “assistance vehicles” of the last 100 years in satirical fashion, the Eco-Hog comes to the rescue of busy farmers the world over. Recently uncovered, this tractor-motorcycle hybrid of the 1940’s was used as a composter, a spreader, and a grinder. To operate, farmers would place compost material (such as sawdust, dirt, manure...) into the attached sidecar barrel. As the farmer “drove” the motorcycle, a mechanism in the barrel would grind the materials, transforming them into the perfect consistency for a rich and hearty mulch. At the appropriate time, the farmer would pull a lever to release the freshly ground compost, making the work of fertilizing an effortless task.




